Rolling a joint can be difficult.  But like most things you just need good technique.  Here im going to show you the best way i know to roll a simple joint.

Step 1: Get good rolling papers.  This is a crucial and many times overlooked part of the joint rolling process.  My personal favorites are JOB GOLD 1.5 Rolling Papers.  They can be easly found at your local gas station or head shop.

Step 2: This a slightly controversial step.  The mixture.  Many people like to mix there weed with tobacco, especially if it is very strong weed.  I have done this from time to time but dont add tobacco every time.  It is simply a matter of how you like it.  If you are using mid-grade weed to roll your joint I reccomend using a grinder to finely grind the weed to the right consistancy.  If you have medical or high grade weed use siscors to cut small pices off the bud so you dont damage the trichomes.

Step 3: Once you have your cannabis ground up, take one rolling paper and place it on a white sheet of paper.  The sheet of paper has nothing to do with the joint, it is simply there to catch any cannabis that may have fallen out and make it easy to find.  Place the cannabis onto the rolling paper and spread it out evenly.  Now pick up the rolling paper and tuck the side of the paper facing you into the other side.  Now roll with your thumbs as tightly as possible.  once you have it rolled tightly wet the gummed side of the paper and seal it.  Your done.! Enjoy

In this post I will help newbies (people new to smoking Marijuana) and mabey even some long time smokies with what I think is the proper etiquette when smoking out of a bong or bubbler.

Rule number 1: How much should I pack in the bowl?

Answer: As a rule you only want to pack enough in the bowl so that you or who ever you are sharing you bong with will snap (completly finish the bowl) in one or two hits.  Dont over pack your bowls.

Rule number 2: DO NOT exhale through your bong!  Anyone who is a long time smoker knows if you exhale through your bong, not only do you run the risk of blowing some bong water on the carpet, which will stain and most definably leave a unpleasant sent, but you will also blow the Marijuana from your bowl onto the floor also.

Rule number 3: Know were the bong is at all times!  I cant tell you how many times I have seen stonies forget they put the bong on the floor and get up for something and knock it over.  Many a good bong are shattered by people who forgot were they set it, got up and knocked it over.  Hopefully if this happens to you, you are lucky enough to have carpet and it wont break.  The last thing you want to happen is to break your buddies $200 PHX bong.  Also knocking it over on carpet will stain and leave a very bad odor.

Rule number 4: Finish your bong load.  Everyone has different lung capacities.  If you are new to smoking with a bong take a couple of test runs on the bong to get a feel of how much you can take.  I personally hate when people don’t finish there hit.  One it is wasted weed.  Two,  when you take to big of a hit you are most likely going to exhale through the bong.  This as we saw in rule number 2 is very bad.

Rule number 5: The rotation of the bong or whatever else you may be smoking out of is always to your left.  Peiord.

Well that is just a few of the Bong Etiquette rules i have.  If you guys have any other suggestions for rules or a special custom you and your friends enjoy, comment on it and I will add it to the list.  Thanks